A quick pimp out to the new blog , Around the Couch. Interesting stuff from different collaborators (myself included). My latest entry is about television portrayal of nerds and why it's bad. Pretty heavy stuff.
I like chorizo. Actually I like any Mexican food. Over the weekend, to cure a nasty hangover I went over to Fiesta! Supermarket (I don't think the exclamation point is there, but it should be) and ordered myself some Menudo. No, not the band, the dish. It was glorious. It's historical roots are also very fascinating.
In pre-revolutionary Mexico, poverty among the campesinos was chronic, and little if anything that might be prepared as food was left to waste. Usually, the best cuts of meat would go to the hacienda owners while the offal went to the peasants. These leftovers consisted of organ meats, brains, head, tails, hooves, etc. As cattle and sheep are ruminants that require lengthy intestinal tracts to digest their diet of grasses and raw seeds, the stomach is one of the largest pieces of offal available from these animals.History and politics of food are neat. Off to Vulcan Video for 2 for 1 Wednesday.
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